‘Dem Bums is a fantasy baseball experience at the speed of those of us that don’t have the time to check a lineup daily and those of us who are interested in keeping tabs on the teams we care about most: the New York Mets and Los Angeles Dodgers. So, let’s detail it out.


For each month of the MLB season, each of our respective franchises will draft a total of three players (2 batters and 1 pitcher) from the players that make up the rosters of the New York Mets and Los Angeles Dodgers in a chase to possibly win two prizes: the monthly batting title and the monthly pitching title. The batting title will be awarded to the hitter who has the highest batting average for that month and the pitching title to the pitcher with the lowest ERA.  Each title will consist of a payout of $30 that will be funded by a buy in of $10 for every month by each participating franchise. At the end of the regular season, the remaining $60 (based upon 7 franchises participating) will be awarded to the team with the most combined titles earned over the course of the season (if there is a tie the money will be split accordingly). The drafting order for each month will be a “winner’s outs” where the teams winning the pitching and batting titles will pick first in those respective categories. All drafts will be conducted through an email chain managed by me prior to each month of play.


Based upon the learning experience of our first season fantasy experiment, in order for a player on any franchise to be eligible to win either the batting or pitching title in any month, they have to have a minimum of 60 at bats (ABs) or 4 starts (GS) respectively for that month. These minimums will prevent any disproportionate stat performances due to limited action. In terms of injuries, it’s simple: your guy goes down then you’re out of the running — tough luck. The tiebreaker for the batting title is RBIs and the tiebreaker for the pitching title is strikeouts.


Player profiles will feature icons that reflect performance in regards to the “hot” or “cold” nature of their current play and with regards to their monthly totals as logged upon the “Rosters” page. The icon key is as follows:

The Ace
For an ERA of 2.50 or lower
The Meat
For an ERA of 4.50 or higher
The Flame
For an AVG of .325 or higher
The Ice
For an AVG of .225 or lower
Red Cross
For an injury
The Gold Star
For a Pitching or Batting Title